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Discussion Questions
- What is the current situation regarding trade flows within the “Poland-Russia-Central Asia-Turkey” quadrant as of November 2024?
- What are the possible scenarios for restructuring trade flows in the “Poland-Russia-Central Asia-Turkey” quadrant after the EU embargo on LPG imports from Russia takes effect? What quantities of Russian LPG will continue to be exported to Poland?
- Which bases will become the key pricing points for LPG export volumes of LPG from Russia and Kazakhstan? Which pricing indicators exist for these bases? Will these bases be supported by liquid trading in the long-term under various economic and geopolitical scenarios?
- Which changes have occurred in LPG import flows to Poland by November 2024 compared to the beginning of the summer? Who is replacing Russian LPG supplies? What role do supplies from Kazakhstan play?
- What other changes can be expected in the Polish LPG market after the EU embargo on Russian LPG imports takes effect?
- Which bases are becoming key for LPG pricing in the Polish market?
- Has the planned EU embargo on Russian LPG imports impacted LPG trade flows to/from Central Asia? What changes in trade flows do local market participants expect after the embargo takes effect?
- What changes in pricing have been felt in the export-import trade of LPG in the Central Asian market? Has the market become more or less competitive? Has the role of spot trading increased?
- What are the prospects for Central Asian countries in developing their transit role in the supply of Russian LPG to China, Pakistan, and other countries?
- How is Turkey’s LPG import structure changing in terms of the countries of origin due to the planned EU embargo on Russian LPG imports? Do the LPG supplies from Russia meet the requirements of the Turkish market?
- Are there prospects for the development of spot trading in Turkey’s LPG imports after the EU embargo on Russian LPG imports takes affect?
- What potential role could Georgia play in facilitating the export of Russian LPG to Turkey?
- To which sea terminals might the LPG volumes leaving the Polish market, intended for export, be redirected?
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